Calina Franzosa Calina Franzosa

It’s Plein Air Season!

Yay, It’s Plein Air Season!

But what exactly is Plein Air painting?

Yay, It’s Plein Air Season!

But what exactly is Plein Air painting?

Plein Air painting comes from the French term "en plein air," which translates to "in the open air." It is the act of creating art outdoors, directly observing and interpreting the scene before the artist's eyes. Unlike studio painting, which often relies on photographs or memory, plein air painting emphasizes firsthand observation, allowing artists to fully immerse themselves in their surroundings' sights, sounds, and sensations. 

The origins of plein air painting can be traced back to the 19th-century French Impressionists, who sought to capture the fleeting effects of light and atmosphere in their work. Artists like Claude Monet and Pierre-Auguste Renoir ventured outdoors with their easels and palettes, embracing the challenges and rewards of painting en plein air.  

Ok, so what is Plein Air Season?

For me, it means two things;

1.     Living in Virginia means I cannot paint outside all year like I could when I lived in California. So, Plein Air Season is the two times of year, when it’s not too cold or not too humid, to be outside. Neither time lasts too long, so I’m always excited to get out and paint.

2.     The opportunity to compete in plein air events.

What are plein air events?

Plein air events are like painting competitions with shows. There are three types of events: open (anyone can sign up and paint), juried (you submit your work and a judge decides who gets to participate), and invitational (the organization contacts who they want to be part of the event).

Once at the event, artists start by getting their blank canvases stamped (to later prove they painted the painting at the event), and then paint in the area designated. It’s usually a town or two, or even a whole county. Artists paint for as many days as the event allows; sometimes by themselves and sometimes in groups.

On the last day, the artists frame the paintings they have done and turn them in for the show. The show and wet painting sale is open for the community to come see and buy the work that was created.  There are also prizes for the artist to win for their work.

Plein air events are always so much fun. I not only get to experience and paint in new places, but also get to see friends I only see at events and make new ones. The Plein Air Season is my favorite time of year.

Here are the events I’ve signed up for so far this year (I may add a few more):
Plein Air Unleased April 29-May 4
Paint Great Falls - May 18-25
Plein Air West Reading - June 8-15
Suffolk Plein Air Festival - September 10-14
Plein Air at the Arboretum - September 18-21

I’ll be sure to update you if I add any more events this year.

If you live near any of these events (click on the event links for details and locations), come visit me while I’m painting or come see the show at the end.

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Calina Franzosa Calina Franzosa

The Start of a Blog

Did you know blogs were mainstream by 2005? Well, I’m about 20 years behind the times but I thought I’d start a blog to share ideas, stories, and probably paintings, things that are too much writing for a newsletter. Let’s see how it goes.

Did you know blogs were mainstream by 2005? Well, I’m about 20 years behind the times but I thought I’d start a blog to share ideas, stories, and probably paintings, things that are too much writing for a newsletter. Let’s see how it goes.

If you’re new to me, I’m Calina Franzosa and I paint soft, calm, quiet landscapes.

My life is a little crazy. I’m married to a wonderful man, who is in the Marines, which means we move every three years. I like to say “The Marine Corps moves us places and I create beautiful things wherever we go.” You have to be flexible when you have no say over were you go. Right now we live in Alexandria, VA. Before this we were in San Clemente, CA, before that Beijing China, and before that Monterey CA. Each place influenced my work.

I also travel a lot both for work and for fun. For work, I travel to paint in new locations, for plein air events, and for workshops. I love exploring a new location and finding beauty in the things people walk by every day. I want my work to cause people to pause, slow down, and appreciate the beauty around them.

While I love to paint outside I also have a studio at The Torpedo Art Center, in Alexandria, VA. I’m in studio 340 on the third floor on the right. Come see me.

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